What is the value of my assets?

Market value

The market value assessment services we provide have the advantage of being carried out totally independently from property market players.

Following an in-depth study of the local market, our professional experts estimate the market value of the property under consideration:

  1. By comparison to recent transactions involving similar real estate
  2. Based on capitalization of future income
  3. On other methods suited to each individual case

Our hundred-year-old experience of assessments for identical replacement value appraisals enables us to offer a reliable solution to set apart the value of the land from that of the existing buildings.

We undertake market value assessment missions based on all the available data pertaining to the markets which are likely to secure its sale.

Utilization value

We offer an exhaustive range of services to assess the economic utilisation value of tangible property, taking the following into account:

  1. Technological generation
  2. Estimated technical lifespan
  3. Quality and state of repair of the assets
  4. Economic activity under consideration

Optimizing asset maintenance costs

We carry out tasks ranging from the preparation of inventories of the fixtures estimating for each building trade the projected maintenance cost of the real estate, to the provision of solutions dedicated to optimizing the control of this expenditure.

We offer you the benefit of a comprehensive assignment package allowing for genuine synergies in the implementation of services rendered, in particular during the on-site physical data collection stages.